Thursday, 7 May 2009

'Ill' worker fired over Facebook (My View)

above is the link to the article i was reading about. which is about a swiss women who i sacked because she said she had a migraine and that she needed to be in a darkened room but she was found to be on her wiki.

i think it is unfair to sack an employee if they are on a computer at home because one they might just have hurt there self and are caipable of using a computer but in this case well i see it as unfair as she could have recovered from her migraine and there is also a big difference in being in your bed using a phone than sitting in work on a computer. At home there is no pressure to get work done she can relax and really does not have to focus but at work she does. her work knew she was on it so they were checking up on her which means they cant trust her so why have her employed in the first place.

So in conclusion i think workplaces should not have the right to spy no matter what. If they employ us then we must be trusted . So why not trust we are not fit enough for work

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